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Gifts Under $250

Find the perfect gift for your special occasion, our jewelry lasts a lifetime and these pieces are for moments that will last forever.

Plumeria Earrings in 14K White Gold - 7mm
Honu Turtle Pendant in 14K White Gold - Extra Extra Small
Tahitian Black Pearl Pendant with Diamond in 14K White Gold (9-10mm) 006-14032
Plumeria Earrings in 14K White Gold - 9mm
Tahitian Black Pearl Earrings in 14K White Gold (9-10mm)
Freshwater Pearl Pendant in 14K White Gold (10-11mm) 006-14216
Old English Scroll Cross Pendant with Diamond in 14K White Gold - Small 074-00288
Oval Tube Hoops Earrings in 14K Yellow and White Gold 034-45514
Pineapple Charm/Pendant in Sterling Silver - 15mm
Tahitian Black Pearl Pendant in 14K White Gold (9mm) 006-14400
Tahitian black pearl earrings
Tahitian Black Pearl(9-10mm) Pendant in 14K White Gold 006-14253
Akoya White Pearl (8mm) Pendant in 14K White Gold-006-15239
Akoya White Pearl Earrings in 14K White Gold-006-15240
Akoya Pearl (7mm) Earrings in 14K White Gold
Lavender Freshwater Pearl  (9-10mm) Earrings in 14K White Gold
Lavender Freshwater Pearl  (9-10mm) Pendant in 14K White Gold-006-15040
Lilac Freshwater Pearl (10-11mm) Pendant in 14K White  Gold-006-15048
Diamond Ring in 14K White Gold (Stackable Band)-047-02780
14K White Gold Gifts Under $250