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Gifts Under $250

Find the perfect gift for your special occasion, our jewelry lasts a lifetime and these pieces are for moments that will last forever.

Mother of Pearl Slipper Pendant in 14K Yellow Gold - Medium
Aloha Heart Necklace in Sterling Silver - 30mm
Akoya Pearl Earrings in 14K Yellow Gold (6.5-7mm)
Plumeria Earrings in 14K Rose Gold - 7mm
Aloha Heart Pendant in 14K Yellow Gold - 11mm
Plumeria Earrings in 14K White Gold - 7mm
Aloha Necklace with Diamond in Sterling Silver & 14K Yellow Gold
Mother of Pearl Slipper Pendant in 14K Yellow Gold - Medium
Aloha Heart Necklace in Sterling Silver - 24mm
Plumeria Necklace in Sterling Silver - 38mm
Bird of Paradise Necklace in Sterling Silver & 14K Yellow Gold - 22mm
Tahitian Black Pearl Pendant with Diamond in 14K White Gold (9-10mm) 006-14032
Aloha Heart Pendant in 14K Yellow Gold - 9mm
Plumeria Necklace with Peridot in Sterling Silver - 30mm
Aloha Heart Pendant in 14K Rose Gold - 9mm
$100-$200 Jewelry Gifts Under $250